It was hilarious! As we started to cut the kim bop the elderly ladies started to shove kim bog in our mouths! It was hilarious! Everyone’s cheeks were all puffy from kim bom and we were all laughing SO hard! Imagine all of that and then we had Chef hats on too! It was so much fun! My lady that I was helping was the same one as the first time we went. She asked the young man who was Korean to ask me if I was married. I said no, and she asked why? You are so beautiful! All I could do was laugh...what do you say to that!
Apparently we are going to be in the Korean News Paper! It’s as big as the New York Times is how they explained it to us! I am so excited! They told me that they would get us a copy! I am so excited! :)
How fun!! How cute that everybody thinks you're so beautiful!! :D YEY!!!! You are!!