Stacy Rae

My photo
Henderson, Nevada, United States
This blog is about my journey to Korea! While I am there I will be teaching conversational English and living in two different Korean homes. This is a once in a lifetime chance to go on an adventure across the world! I am SO blessed!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Game night! Korean style...

I forgot to tell you all about Thursday. Thursday our trip to DMZ got moved to August 18th because Dobong city hall has been SUPER busy with setting up for the science festival. Well Thursday all of us met up and we all went down town. This was a lot of fun! We tried out KFC here, and it was actually REALLY tasty! I found this store called “Art Box” and its my new favorite! The boys were with us and you could tell that they were not that interested so Krista, Judit, and I decided that we need to have a day where just the girls go shopping  It will be al lot better without them – so we can stay in there as long as we want without feeling guilty! Hahaha
Today we had the science festival again; it was so much fun making the slime! I especially liked getting to know all of the volunteers! Many Koreans when they become really good English speakers they receive an English name. Today this boy asked all of us what his English name should be. I thought that he looked like an Adrian, and everyone LOVE IT! So did he, so he stuck with it. About 5 mins later I was like, “hey what about us, can you give us a Korean name?” So they all named each of us!  My Korean name is, “Sumi” like SUE ME. Haha SO funny!
Tonight when I came home I was surprised with a brand-new umbrella from the father! It is a really really nice one! Today it rained pretty much all day, from when I woke up until I got home. My umbrella- well let’s just say it’s from Nevada and you can tell! Haha This one is the nicest one I have ever had! I was so happy because the father hasn’t said anything to me really, he is very quiet! But tonight he gave me that and then got out all of his photo albums and showed me the pictures! It was so nice bonding with him! I also taught the girls tonight how to do my bobby pin twist thing that I normally do with my hair. When I came home they all saw my hair and kept telling me how beautiful it looked!!  The oldest daughter she loves my color, when I said it was not dyed her mom says, “see all natural=beautiful” HAHAHA! They are too kind!
The after me, the mom, the twins, and their older sister played games. I learned this new Korean game and I was pretty good at it! Turns out at the end of the game (which I won 3 out of 4 games ;] haha) they bought the game for me to take home and share with my friends and family! I can’t wait to show you, it’s a lot of fun! I love my host family!  They are so good to me! We also played Jenga, and whoever knocks down the tower they have to bend down and everyone taps on their back and says, “indiannnnnnnn BOP BOP(2 big slaps) and and then high-yah! With your elbow, all on their back. Its pretty funny!!
Even today the mom brought me steamed potatoes for me and the other 5 to eat because we were working the booth all day! She is so thoughtful! Tomorrow we are going to church and I am pretty excited to see how it all goes!
Ps…I got some cute hello kitty sandals today at the lotte mart  its so rainy here and its nice t have some shoes to walk in the rain! 

<3 Stacy Rae

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're still having a great time! Funny that it rains so much but isn't cold, huh?
